
Normally 12 steps of ceramic making , But for RONGROUP is 13 steps


Normally 12 steps of ceramic making , But for RONGROUP is 13 steps


STEP ONE : Blank pressing

(1)The mud shall be accurately grasped and divided. Scrape the mud with the palm of your hand to make a smooth mud mass. Gently place the center of the mold bottom to prevent air from running into the mud mass; Large quantities of varieties, cut into mud strips. The blank pressing mud shall be kept clean to prevent pollution and shall not be stuck with other impurities. It is generally covered with plastic cloth to maintain uniform moisture and prevent hardening.

2Mold release

The mold shall be placed correctly, and the split mold shall be placed in the front of the vehicle after being sewn, and gently knocked and flattened. The feeding is stable, the scraping edge is flat, and the number of revolutions is sufficient, so that the green body is full, the thickness is uniform, and there are no knife marks inside and earthworm marks outside.


During demoulding, the moisture content of the blank shall be controlled at 19-21%. During demoulding, it shall be handled gently without damaging the blank and forced demoulding is not allowed. The finished blanks shall be inspected one by one to ensure the ceramic plate quality, and the unqualified blanks shall be handled in time according to the actual situation


STEP TWO: Grouting


The grouting shall be aligned with the center in the formwork to prevent slurry splashing and blisters from entering the formwork. The slurry suction forming time depends on the water absorption of the die and the specification, thickness and weight of the blank. Before each grouting, mix the slurry once to make the slurry suspend evenly and prevent sedimentation.

2Pour slurry

After the blank reaches the specified thickness, pour the slurry. When pouring slurry, pour slurry around the mold while rotating to let the slurry flow out evenly. Pay attention to the convection with the slurry and air to prevent the slurry from blocking the outlet. After slurry pouring, the mold shall be placed flat for drying or sent to the drying room for drying




STEP THREE: Demoulding

1During demoulding, it shall be handled with care. Large products shall be taken with gypsum board to prevent damage to the blank  of dinnerware. Forced demoulding is prohibited.

2The moisture of demoulding shall be controlled within the range of 19-21%


STEP FOUR: Printing blank

1Handle making, top printing blank, etc

Rub slightly larger than the model with smooth surface by hand, put it into the mold and compact it with force, subject to the coincidence of mold joints.

2Demoulding time

Depending on the degree of water absorption of the mold, the mold is generally demoulded at an interval of 10-20 minutes.


Make the clay into a smooth pancake with uniform thickness larger than the flower surface, put it into the flower mold, and gently press it from the center to all sides with your fingers to make the ceramic dinnerware's pattern clear and full.

4Water retention

The finished blank shall be placed on the flat and wet gypsum board, covered with wet cloth, placed in the water room to maintain moisture, and handed over to the next process for bonding after 2-3 days

STEP FIVE :Manual trimming

1The residual mud at the grouting opening shall be scraped and leveled, neat and uniform, and of the same size; The scraping seam shall be flat, and the edges and seams with edges shall be scraped off; The feet are upright and stable, remove the pulp particles above 0.3mm, cut off the pimples, and fill the pinholes and missing meat parts.

2After repairing the green body, wipe the knife marks and rough parts with a pen dipped in clean water to make the surface delicate and smooth and the lines of the flower surface clear.

3When repairing the blank of accessories such as nozzle, handle, top, ear and ring, pay attention to the bonding surface of the blank and wrap it with wet cloth to maintain moisture


STEP SIX:Bonding process of ceramic

① During bonding, the bonded accessories shall be aligned with the center of the main body in a straight line with the same height. Tear the joint into irregular marks with a scraper, apply bonding mud, correct the position, gently press and bond, and gently wipe off the spilled mud with a pen.

② When sticking the handle and nozzle of the ceramic pot, the water hole shall be drilled first, and the size of the hole depends on the size of the green body. The total area of the tunnel shall be about 15% larger than the section of the mouth.

③ The handle and mouth of ceramic cup and pot body shall not be higher than the outlet, and the mouth shall be 2-3mm lower than the mouth. If there is a bonding part, it shall be bonded according to the bonding part.

④ When sticking hollow handle, top, ear, ring and other accessories, first apply a layer of glaze on the hollow part, and drill an exhaust hole at the non obvious place for exhaust.

⑤ When sticking the patterned surface, align it with the bonding part, first apply soil slurry, and then gently press it with your fingers from the heart to the periphery to discharge the residual slurry and air; When sticking lines, maintain uniform thickness, natural bending and strong strength.

(6) Where the bonding part is not tight enough, gently press and repair it with a scraper. Clean the spilled mud with a pen.


STEP SEVEN:Engraving and washing

1During engraving and washing, the scraping joint shall be flat without obvious slurry particles and pimples. The pinholes shall be repaired in time and the blank surface shall be leveled. Wipe the knife marks with a pen dipped in clean water to make the green body smooth and delicate and the pattern clear.

2When washing the blank, gently wash it with your fingers. Do not use too much force. Wash two to three strokes with each finger.


STEP EIGHT :Plain burning


① Check the blank quality and dryness one by one before plain burning.

② The moisture content of the billets charged shall be controlled below 5%.

③ Different charging methods are adopted according to different varieties and specifications. Except for a few varieties, it is usually overhead firing direct charging.

2Furnace loading

The furnace shall be placed gently to prevent damage, and the furnace shall be placed evenly.

3Firing time and temperature

The firing time depends on the variety and specification and the gap in the furnace, and the plain firing temperature is 750 ℃ - 820 ℃.


After firing, let it cool naturally and then come out of the furnace. Carefully check the quality of the blank. It is qualified if there is no deformation, cracking and smoking



STEP NINE :Glazing

1Upper inner glaze

① The bowl and cup glaze should be placed in the center of the blank, turn the blank to pour the glaze, and wipe off the glaze tail. For the second glaze, turn the blank direction and repeat it once.

② After the glaze on the blanks such as pots is finished, blow away the hole glaze water with the mouth aligned with the pot mouth to prevent blocking. Bottles are first watered at the mouth and then glazed.

③ For blanks with holes, such as flower pots, the holes shall be plugged first and then glazed.

④ The moisture content of inner glaze blank is less than 5%.


① The blank is immersed in the glaze cylinder to fill the glaze water to the edge of the blank mouth. The pot blank first closes the pot mouth to prevent the inflow of external glaze.

② For the blank with thick lower body and bottom, replenish water or wet water at the bottom with a pen first, and then apply glaze to prevent immersion in the glaze net.

③ Take out the glaze cylinder, wipe off the glaze beads, stop for one or two seconds to dry and harden the glaze water, and then put it on the bowl bridge. The blank with rough bottom can be printed with silk screen or sponge and put on the shelf.

④ For the manual operation of external glaze and bottom planing, the bottom glaze shall be wiped clean and evenly, with the same height.

⑤ Moisture content of glaze blank ≤ 5%



STEP TEN:Bottom planing

1The bottom glaze of the blank with rough bottom shall be planed and brushed, and the fetal bone shall not be damaged. The thickness of the inner and outer sides depends on the size of the blank, which is generally controlled at 2-3mm.

2The base shall be fired, the glaze layer contacting the base shall be scraped off, and the pad cake shall be prepared one by one.

3All blanks shall be scraped into an inclined angle of 30-60 degrees on the inner and outer glaze layers of the bottom edge to prevent glaze flow.

4A layer of quartz slurry or alumina slurry shall be applied to the combined burning sub mouth.


STEP ELEVEN: Firing (gas shuttle kiln)

1Ignition shall meet:

① Evaporation period: evaporate the residual water in the green body and raise the temperature to above 340 ℃;

② Oxidation period: burn off the organic matter in the glaze and raise the temperature to 960 ℃;

③ Heat preservation period: mainly balance the temperature in the kiln, keep it below 1050 ℃ and keep it for more than 2 hours;

④ Reduction period: the high valence metal elements are reduced to low valence metal elements and colored, and the temperature rises to 1300 ℃ - 1320 ℃.

2After flameout, let it cool naturally


STEP TWELVE : Quality requirements


1Product classification

Daily celadon products shall be classified according to gb10813.1.

2Technical requirements

Appearance quality


The appearance quality of celadon for daily use shall comply with the provisions of 4.8 in gb10813.1.

Water absorption

The water absorption of the product shall not exceed 1.0%.

Thermal shock resistance

No crack after heat exchange from 160 to 20 .

Glaze color difference

The glaze color difference shall not be greater than E6 (NBS).



For the RON GROUP , what is the addition step , that is the hand printing

STEP THIRTEEN : Hand drawing

The Craftsmen will use their own technology to draw on the plates. Guests can customize the patterns they want to make each plate become a work of art


If you want to have your own style ceramic tableware , please leave the comment here or contact with me